You know what insect I hate the most.
Yes, edward the vampire .
Yes, edward the vampire .
Don't you hate MOSQUITOES?!
I really hate MOSQUITOES !
They are rapidly increasing in my house !
Once I came back home , all I feel is itchyness all over my body D:!
Like 7-15 mosquitoes bites me everyday!
I think Im gonna run out of bloodd
Everyday I have to hunt for MOSQUITOES and kill 5-10 ?
And it just gets more and more .
I think my house got mosquito breeding , but there's no place for them to breed.
Maybe it came from the construction building outside my house. :/
Maybe it came from the construction building outside my house. :/
But no windows are opened too! D:
Well, they are so annoying ! They keep making those buzzing sound and how am I suppose to sleep ?!
Every night being kissed by them and have to listen to their bedtime story .
ARGH! Stop telling me bedtime story I don't even know what you're saying!
All you do is buzz buzzz buzzz buzz buzzz buz zbuzb uz buzb uz uz uz uzbuzbzuzb zbuzbuzbuzzbuzbuzbuzbuzbuzbuzbuzbuzubz ub uzb uz uz buzubz zzbuzz buzz zbuzz buz buz buzzbz buzzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzzz. !
ARGH! Stop telling me bedtime story I don't even know what you're saying!
All you do is buzz buzzz buzzz buzz buzzz buz zbuzb uz buzb uz uz uz uzbuzbzuzb zbuzbuzbuzzbuzbuzbuzbuzbuzbuzbuzbuzubz ub uzb uz uz buzubz zzbuzz buzz zbuzz buz buz buzzbz buzzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzzz. !
I cant takeee it anymoreeeee ! ._.
Anyway, got one time I was so bored. And saw some mosquitoes flying around.
Then I caught one of it, and look through my microscope which my dad bought for me long time ago! (:
I notice they are very hairy o:
And have beautiful eye brows. (???)
I even caught some injured mosquitoes and put them inside a test tube and observed them :x
It was fun experimenting them! :x
So far Im still lucky there's no aedes mosquito.
Or else I will be bitten by 50 of them .
And I wont be here anymore D:!
My parents seldom get bitten. Maybe my blood is too sweet :/